Tuesday, 9 June 2015


I've faced another challenge once again. I've become sick again because of my lack of rest. This may seem extremely avoidable, but fitting in the work I want to accomplish both physically and mentally is difficult. There simply isn't enough hours in a day to do it all. Making schedules is nice, but mine is jam packed with things to do and not enough rest to the point it's physically draining me. I hope this does not affect my end goal, but it most definitely is something I've learned from this experience.

My health is obviously very important to me, so it's discouraging knowing that I caused myself to get to this point, but looking at the positive aspect, I can learn from this mistake. After my crazy busy soccer run, I should have rested more. Next time I will most definitely do so.

Sunday, 7 June 2015


In the last few weeks, I have been playing soccer five days a week at least. I have had five games a week and three practices a week on average. I was planning on working out as an individual to reach my end goal, but I now realize team sports are what motivate me most. I have also tried to fit in individual workouts as well to focus on things I need to improve on, but enough about my busy schedule. I'd like to expand on what I do to prepare to workout.

Lately I have realized I need to make sure I prepare for my workouts. When I used to play club soccer, our coaches gave us a list of rules we had to follow in regards to pregame preparation. I know now that I need to have a good sleep before I workout otherwise I won't be able to perform at my best. In addition to a good rest, I make sure I drink water constantly. If I drink anything with a lot of sugar before a workout, I will feel sick and fatigued. Also, I do not eat less than an hour before I do any sort of physical exercise for similar reason. Before important games, I like to take time to work on my mental game and visualize the field. This is important for my own game because it gives me time to relax and think about how to win the game.

I've seen that it's the important games I face that motivates me to work as hard as I can. I find joy in playing well and succeeding, putting in the most work I can to get the best result. Whether your playing team sports or individual sports, the happiness you can get out of it is what it's all about.