Thursday 12 March 2015

The Newest News

One of my goals of this project was to learn more about eating disorders. I wanted to learn more about this because I am interested in the human body and how it works, especially put under more unhealthy circumstances. There were many parts of this complex subject I hadn't previously known, so I took the time to research in detail what I need to know about the topic. The disorder I learned about was anorexia.

The disorder I researched this week was anorexia. This sickness comes from a fear of gaining wait, particularly when the person is very thin already. Mentally they believe that they cannot gain weight, they just need to lose weight. It can have several causes, especially change. For example, losing friends or family, traumatic life events, where you live, your personality, and genetics. One interesting thing I found while researching this subject is that anorexia is 85-95% females, it is much more uncommon among males. This interested me because I feel as though women have much more pressure than men when it comes to physical appearance. There are media influences everywhere showing what society likes to think of as "perfect", which is what many girls strive do be. As a friend or family member, I must imaging it would be very difficult to watch someone starve themselves because they don't believe they are beautiful.

Being a Christian, I like to relate topics like this to the bible. The first mind that comes to mind is 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies." He created us all in his image, and he wants us to honour him with our bodies. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and I believe that everyone has the right to know this. We should help those that struggle to understand this truth.

If you want to read more about anorexia, you can click on the web address below.

Friday 6 March 2015


It's been a month into working out and I'm down 4.7 pounds! I've been having an exciting time being able to find new ways to exersize and diet plans that work better for me and my schedule. With my mentor, I went through some apps that might help me keep track of eating. I'm going to start tracking my diet and calorie intake this week which I'm super pumped about. This could potentially make me lose weight at a faster pace, which could be helpful. My main goal at this point in my journey is to be happy and healthy, which I have been acheiving so far.

One thing I've been faced with is getting bored of my workout schedule. What I'm going to do to overcome this obstical is find more fun ways to work out. I found a video of girls doing soccer tricks on youtube, and I plan to work toward being able to do these tricks. These tricks will give be a hard workout, and I'll also be having a lot of fun in the process. One thing I am worried about with doing this sort of workout is getting frusturated when I fail, which I will. I've done soccer tricks in the past, so maybe the past knowledge with the new motivation to practice can give me more patience.

I hope to get more about my meal plan onto my blog, as well as possibly some videos of me doing these tricks I would like to learn. Stay tuned for more updates! :)